The Throne in Heaven 15 March 2020 Aaron Williamson Assurance, Encouragement, Heaven Revelation Revelation 4:1-11
How Our Good Works Prove us to be Authentic Christians 23 February 2020 Matt Campbell Assurance, Authenticity 1 John 1 John 2:29-3:10
Who’s Really in Charge? 23 June 2019 Matt Campbell Assurance, Persecution, Sovereignty Acts Acts 12:1-25
Bless the Lord, O My Soul 30 December 2018 David Briggs Assurance, Blessings, Encouraging Psalms Psalm 103:1-22
Where is God When Things Go Wrong? 22 April 2018 Jim Magill Assurance, Faith, Trust Daniel Daniel 3:1-27
Remaining Joyful in Spite of Future Uncertainty 25 March 2018 Gareth Bell Assurance, Joy, Struggle, Suffering Philippians Philippians 1:18-26