God Reigns! You’re not home yet! 20 October 2019 David Luke God, Struggle, Suffering 1 Peter 1 Peter 5:6-14
Perseverance through Suffering 26 May 2019 Colin Creighton Perseverance, Suffering James James 1:12-18
Silence from the Lambs? NEVER! 15 April 2018 Billy Houston Substitution, Suffering, Sustaining 1 Peter 1 Peter 3:8-22
Remaining Joyful in Spite of Future Uncertainty 25 March 2018 Gareth Bell Assurance, Joy, Struggle, Suffering Philippians Philippians 1:18-26
Remaining Joyful in Spite of Present Difficulty 25 March 2018 Gareth Bell Joy, Struggle, Suffering Philippians Philippians 1:12-18